Audience activation in 5 simple steps

Amidst news of cookies crumbling and third party cookies eventually becoming obsolete, there is even more emphasis on identifying visitors who arrive on websites and providing users with a reason to remain loyal to your brand.

Here is a simple user case on how to effectively personalise your customer experience using the Google Marketing Platform. According to Econsultancy:

“50% of consumers are likely to engage with a brand when they receive an interesting offer.”

So how can you demonstrate why personalisation should be a business priority in 5 simple steps?

Example User case


1: Link your Display & Video 360 advertiser and Optimize container to your Analytics property.

2: In Analytics 360, create an audience (‘3 Orders-12 Months-Low AOV’) for users that meet the following conditions:

Transactions per user > 2, AND

Date of First Session is on or after 04/02/2020, AND

Revenue per user < £30 (Site wide Average AOV)

In the ‘Audience destinations’ section, select your Display & Video 360 and Optimize accounts.

3: In Optimize 360, set up an experiment that shows a banner on the landing page with the message, “Indulge yourself: free travel size Product X when you spend £30 or more”. Target the experiment to the ‘3 Orders-12 Months-Low AOV’ audience.

4: In Display & Video 360, create a remarketing campaign, targeted to the ‘3 Orders-12 Months-Low AOV’ audience, with creatives that feature the message: “Indulge yourself: free travel size Product X when you spend £30 or more”.

5: Analyse the Display & Video 360 reports in the Acquisition section of Analytics 360 to see conversion metrics for your newly created audience

In 5 steps we have a personalised experience with uplifts and tangible benefits to take back to your stakeholders. 

Happy analysing! Get in touch to share your experiences. 

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