Enhanced Ecommerce & Data Import – #BrightonSEO slides

On Friday the Measurelab team attended BrightonSEO and I did a talk on two exciting features of GA: Enhanced Ecommerce and Data Import. Here is the deck for those who are interested, as well as the Twitter feed that followed the talk.
The advanced Google Analytics training course was an eye opener and really helpful! thanks @darafitzgerald #BrightonSEO
— Manil Fernando (@ManilDFernando) September 11, 2014
Enjoying my final Studio session with host @DecibelPhil & speakers @darafitzgerald @LukaszZelezny @AnalyticsGirl @adamlofting #BrightonSEO — Natalie Lloyd (@natalie_l_lloyd) September 12, 2014
Ok, @darafitzgerald has convinced me, enhanced ecommerce tracking in GA looks so much better, go try it people #BrightonSEO
— Charlie Williams (@pagesauce) September 12, 2014
Interesting info from @darafitzgerald on Enhanced Ecommerce and tracking at individual checkout points #BrightonSEO p.s. love the beard — HeadRed (@headredmedia) September 12, 2014
So ridiculously impressed with #EnhancedEcommerce @darafitzgerald #BrightonSEO #Analytics pic.twitter.com/5b6ahPQmEA
— Siobhan Harris (@SioHarris) September 12, 2014
Fantastic afternoon at #BrightonSEO, thanks to @lukaszzelezny @darafitzgerald @adamlofting. — StrategiQ Marketing (@strategiQmedia) September 12, 2014
@darafitzgerald I think a better twitter handle for you would have been @datafitzgerald #BrightonSEO #missedopportunity
— Shine Search (@ShineSearch) September 12, 2014
BEARD SPOTTED #BrightonSEO — Measurelab (@measurelab) September 12, 2014

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Further reading

How to extract GA4’s event sequencing in BigQuery using the new batch fields

What is offline event data import in GA4?