How to extract GA4’s event sequencing in BigQuery using the new batch fields

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) exports event data to BigQuery, enabling detailed user behavior analysis. However, GA4 batches events before sending them, making GA4 event sequencing in BigQuery more complex. Fortunately, three fields—batch_event_index, batch_ordering_id, and batch_page_id—help provide precise sequencing information.

For a full schema of the GA4 export, head over to google documentation.

This article breaks down these fields in a clear, practical way and shows how to use them together to reconstruct a user’s journey in GA4 BigQuery exports.

batch_event_index: The Order of Events Within a Batch

Ever wondered if GA4 sends events in real time? Spoiler alert: it doesn’t! GA4 often groups multiple events together in a batch before sending them to improve efficiency. This means that events can arrive at the same time even if they actually happened in a specific order.

What is batch_event_index?

  • Shows the order of events within a batch, based on when they actually happened on the user’s device.
  • Makes sure that even if events are sent together, we can still analyse them in their true sequence.

Example: Events in a batch

Picture this: A user interacts with a webpage and does the following:

  1. Clicks a button
  2. Scrolls down
  3. Views a product

If GA4 sends these events as a batch, they might appear in BigQuery like this:


Even though they were transmitted together, batch_event_index keeps the correct event order intact.

Why this matters

  • Prevents misleading event sequences
  • Helps analyse multi-step interactions correctly
  • Useful for debugging when actions happen close together

batch_ordering_id: How GA4 sends batches

While batch_event_index helps us analyse event order within a batch, batch_ordering_id tells us the order of different batches sent from a page.

What is batch_ordering_id?

  • A steadily increasing number that increments every time GA4 sends a new batch of events.
  • Helps separate events that were sent in different network requests.

Example: Two separate batches

A user browses a website and interacts with multiple elements. Due to network optimisation, their browser sends two batches of events instead of one.


What this tells us:

  • The first two events (button_click, scroll) were sent in batch 1.
  • The next two events (view_product, add_to_cart) were sent in batch 2.
  • Within each batch, batch_event_index keeps track of the order.

Why this matters

  • Helps track how events are grouped before being sent
  • Avoids misinterpreting event order due to delayed network requests
  • Useful for debugging and optimising event tracking

batch_page_id: Tracking Events Across Pages

We’ve talked about tracking event order on a single page, but what about users navigating across multiple pages in one session? That’s where batch_page_id comes in.

What is batch_page_id?

  • A sequential number assigned to each page a user visits.
  • Increases each time the user navigates to a new page.
  • Ensures that all events from the same page share the same batch_page_id.

Example: Multi-Page Journey

Let’s say a user moves through a website:

  1. Homepage (batch_page_id = 1)
  2. Product Page (batch_page_id = 2)
  3. Checkout Page (batch_page_id = 3)
page_view (home)1
button_click (home)1
page_view (product)2
add_to_cart (product)2
page_view (checkout)3

Why this matters

  • Makes multi-page journey analysis much easier
  • Helps group events by where they happened
  • Avoids confusion when users navigate quickly between pages

How to use these fields together for customer journey analysis

To accurately reconstruct a user’s journey, we need to use all three fields together.

Example Query: Rebuilding a customer journey in BigQuery

FROM `project.dataset.events_*`
ORDER BY user_pseudo_id, batch_page_id, batch_ordering_id, batch_event_index;</code>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

How this works

  • Groups user interactions by page (batch_page_id)
  • Orders batches of events sent together (batch_ordering_id)
  • Preserves the order of events within each batch (batch_event_index)

This lets us accurately rebuild a user’s journey step-by-step, even when GA4 sends events in batches.

Final thoughts

GA4’s batching system improves efficiency, but it also adds complexity. By using batch_event_index, batch_ordering_id, and batch_page_id, we can reconstruct user interactions with confidence. These fields are essential for:

  • Tracking user behaviour across multiple pages
  • Ensuring event order integrity within batches
  • Analysing engagement patterns without guesswork

Using these fields in BigQuery unlocks deeper insights into customer journeys, helping you make better, data-driven decisions.

Have you started using these fields in your GA4 analysis? What challenges have you faced in reconstructing user journeys? Let’s discuss!

Written by

I love data, what can I say? Having a right or wrong answer floats my boat. I've worked with SQL for over 10 years, with Oracle SQL, Microsoft SQL and now BigQuery SQL. In this industry we never seem to stop learning, my current focus is all things GCP and I'm loving moving with the times and learning about cloud based products.

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