Measured opinions

The latest news and unfiltered views on the world of data, analytics and optimisation.
Streaming to Google BigQuery

Getting started with Google BigQuery

BigQuery is literally the next “Big” thing (with a capital B) in analytics. We explain what it is, how some of our clients are already using it, how much it costs and where you can start.

How to flatten tables with user-defined functions in BigQuery

Flattening tables in Google BigQuery can be painful when doing multiple fields with UNNEST. User-defined functions (UDFs) make life easier and this one will do it for you automatically.
The Measure Pod: a podcast from Measurelab

The Measure Pod: a podcast from Measurelab

We’re so obsessed with analytics that we started a podcast! Here’s how we turned our passion into The Measure Pod.

How to share access to a single BigQuery dataset with GCP IAM

Sometimes less is more; especially when it comes to security access. This simple walkthrough will show you how to use GCP IAM to surface just the parts of your data warehouse to just the right people.
Mark and Dara

A shake-up at the top

As the Measurelab family expands and evolves, our team at the top has decided to switch up roles and use their talents where they fit best. You can't have growth without change, right?

Who cares about data privacy?

We all need to play our part in promoting a more responsible, ethical approach to collecting and using customer data. If we don’t, there’s a risk we’ll be left with nothing to measure.
Why migrate to GA4

Why migrate to GA4? Your data may not be as good as you think

Be warned: the risk of sticking with your current Google Analytics implementation may well be greater than any costs associated with the "migration" to GA4.

Data warehouse: Repair broken tables in BigQuery

At Measurelab, we love a bit of data warehousing using BigQuery; in fact, we are obsessed with finding the best…
Streaming to Google BigQuery

How data moves between Google Analytics 4, BigQuery and Data Studio

There's a surprising number of data feeds and transfers for Google Analytics 4, BigQuery, Data Studio and all its connected accounts and platforms. We set out to map them all to assist with your architecting.

How to get to know your customers better.

In marketing, it’s vital to know your customers and how they interact with your brand. You need to know what…

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