Measured opinions

The latest news and unfiltered views on the world of data, analytics and optimisation.

Data warehousing: What is BigQuery and how do I get started?

At Measurelab we live and breathe the Google Cloud Platform, so our specialists are experts in Bigquery. We have decided…

How recognising images works - when you're an algorithm

There are many different types of image recognition. The main aim of such practises is to correctly match a new…

30 sleeps 'til Christmas

What a year. I don't think I'm alone in wishing this particular year away and wanting to start Christmas ASAFP!…

Using Python in Google Cloud Functions to automate Data Import into Google Analytics from BigQuery

A few months back I was granted access to a Google Cloud Source Repository (private Git repositories hosted on Google…

Google Analytics 4

The new future version of Google Analytics has been announced - now branded as Google Analytics 4. Building on the…

Three popular GTM server-side tagging misconceptions

With the recent release of server-side tagging for Google Tag Manager, a whole new woooooorld of possibilities has opened up.…

Life as a new starter: remote edition

In the analytics industry, everyone I have had the opportunity to work with is so passionate about their role and…

We are going BIG on DATA

See what we did there? Okay, so maybe a tad too much on the title. It is catchy, so hey.…

GTM Solutions Corner #5: Tracking changes in pre-populated HTML form fields

This is part 5 (and my first contribution, so bear with me) to this "semi-regular" series, dedicated to reusable GTM…

Emergency Analytics Support

It can be tricky judging how to pitch a new offer in times of crisis. There’s a fine line between…

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