Measured opinions

The latest news and unfiltered views on the world of data, analytics and optimisation.

Adam's Analytics Adventure: Week 4

[caption id="attachment_419" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Went for a wander around Lewes itself over the weekend. The images aren't super-relevant, but they're…

Adam's Analytics Adventure: Week 3

New Laptop! New laptop finally arrived! It’s so shiny! aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh ahem. Bit shorter than usual this week, as the time…

Adam's Analytics Adventure: Week 2

Because of the way events transpired this week, I’m going to go through a few notable things rather than a…

Adam's Analytics Adventure: Week 1

Day One [caption id="attachment_399" align="alignnone" width="1024"] The office (for the next couple of months, at least), resplendent in the sunlight.[/caption]…

Migrating to Enhanced E-Commerce in "5 Easy Steps"

If you are anything like me, you will have seen the fandangled new “enhanced” e-commerce reports that are starting to…

Universal Analytics is out of Beta... So What Now? #brightonseo talk slides

Yesterday, at BrightonSEO, Dara (our Analytics Director) gave a talk on the state of Universal Analytics now that it is out…

Universal Analytics is out of Beta...BrightonSEO talk (coming up)

In line with the announcement on Wednesday that Universal Analytics is coming out of Beta, I changed my upcoming talk…

Import your Cost Data to GA with our new (Free!) Uploader

Please note that this app is no longer relevant as Google have provided their own cost uploader tool! GA has…


We're kicking off #brightonanalytics again - Thurs 3rd April from 6.30pm in the Evening Star. Pass it on all you…

Creating an effective Measurement Plan

When helping clients with their analytics implementations, we often run Measurement Planning workshops - bringing together stakeholders to better understand…

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