Measured opinions

The latest news and unfiltered views on the world of data, analytics and optimisation.

How to use the BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Google Ads

To perform advanced data analysis, you need a powerful data warehouse like BigQuery. Here’s how to extract Google Ads data using the BigQuery Data Transfer Service.
Measurelab blog header illustration with charts and magnifying glass

Google Analytics limitations: where GA falls short

It’s an uncomfortable truth for Analytics specialists: GA is not always the answer. Google Analytics' limitations mean it won’t always be the right solution for you.
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How to force a hit-level segment in Universal Analytics

In Universal Analytics, you can build a user-level or session-level segment. Here’s a nifty little hack to force a hit-level condition to get the data that you want.
5 new GA4 features Google should introduce

5 new GA4 features we want Google to introduce in 2022

Whether GA4 is the ‘new and improved’ version of Universal Analytics remains to be seen. There are some GA4 features and functionality we’d like to see in 2022.
Measurefest blog illustration with a dashboard and superhero

Keep up! - the ultimate analytics resource round-up

Keeping up with the analytics industry is a daunting task. This list is a good starting point for anyone wanting to get caught up - or stay one step ahead.
Reducing BigQuery processing costs

How to reduce the cost of BigQuery data processing

BigQuery cost optimisation tips to reduce the number of bytes processed and the cost of running queries.

The nine signs of analytics maturity

How do you measure up when it comes to analytics maturity? Forget all those finicky frameworks. If you're displaying one of these nine signs then chances are, you're on the right track.
Measurelab year in review

2021: Measurelab’s year in review

A reflection on the year gone by and how far we’ve come as a company and team. From remote working to co-working, finding time for fun, and a growing appetite for GA4, we only mention Covid a few times.
How to Enable GA4/Firebase Debugview image for blog

How to enable the GA4/Firebase DebugView for Android apps

How to enable analytics debug mode on an Android device, using the GA4/Firebase DebugView to monitor app event data.

10 reasons to export your GA4 data to BigQuery

There are a lot of benefits to linking your GA4 data to BigQuery – we’ve got ten good reasons for you to take your analytics to the next level today.

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