#107 Analytics: from cost to profit centre (with Steen Rasmussen @ IIH Nordic)

The Measure Pod
The Measure Pod
#107 Analytics: from cost to profit centre (with Steen Rasmussen @ IIH Nordic)

In this week’s episode of The Measure Pod, Dan and Bhav welcome back Steen Rasmussen from IIH Nordic, a previous guest known for his insightful perspectives. The episode highlights the importance of critical thinking and personal insight in analytics and experimentation, and how you can shift analytics from a cost to a profit centre.

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Music composed by Confidential – check out their lo-fi beats on Spotify.


If you track everything, then you have to maintain everything. But if you’re not using it for anything, then it’s just a massive cost centre of trying to maintain, pull in some data that you’re not going to be using for anything.


People are absorbing information, but that’s not learning. Learning happens through application and trial and error.

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